I have been married to the most amazing, hilarious man for three years now and I can't believe it. Three years? Where did it go? What did we do to make it go by so fast? Oh that's right, we had too much fun. We might cut back on that here in year three...
One of my students once asked "what do you guys talk about?" under the assumption that after a while, we would run out of things to say to each other. It really amazes me all the things I continue to learn about my husband the more time we spend together. Sure, there were the obvious quirks and the heavy learning that came with the first year: these lessons prove to be more subtle, but no less profound. It speaks to the depth of people, the truths about them that intimacy can bring about. Each of us has so much to tell, and yet there is so much we keep secret.
I feel blessed and honored to share a home, my thoughts, and my life with this man. Happy Anniversary! Here's some photos from our wedding:
Credit: All photos taken by photographer Matt McClellan, who you can find at http://mcclellanphotography.com/
Fun fact: Mr. Kopf and I have been trying to follow the traditional marriage gifts. First year was the paper anniversary, so we bought each other books. That's pretty easy, right?
Second anniversary was cotton. Was I supposed to buy him a tshirt or some underwear? We bought a doormat because we needed one for our patio and I'm sure there's cotton in it somewhere.
Third anniversary is leather. There are really so many things I could get him... but most of them he already has. A wallet, a belt, (one of my coworkers suggested a man bag but I don't think that's Mr. K's style). So we're "cheating" again and just going with a kind of cow theme--we're having steaks for dinner.
So it really is true that we've been "trying" to follow that traditional route. I don't know that we could afford to do the modern one. Third year is glass or crystal? I think this is betting on a modern couple that got some careers first and waited until they were older to get married. We are too young for fancy crystal.