Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break Update, Part 2

So I know you're all just dying to know how I did on my Epic Spring Break to-do list, right? Well on Invisible Item No. Infinity, I succeeded. I had a great time enjoying my staycation, and I didn't go anywhere fun except my craft room! Mr. Kopf went camping for a couple of days, but I decided to just stay in my hide out where I have been spending every subsequent weekend, especially after getting this new chair...

I'm so hip and mod, you guys. It's a lot more comfortable than I thought it was going to be. I'm glad I decided to choose style over function when I was browsing the internet.

I did cut out my fabric for the washi dress! But I have yet to touch any of it. It's all very organized in a bag on the floor. I feel sad about that but I'd rather have that on the floor than a million papers to grade. Someone call my parents and tell them I learned how to prioritize my time.

I did make baby shoes! But I gave them away to my PREGNANT big sister before I took photos of them. We're all kind of freaking out since it will be my parents' first grandchild, and granted, she is definitely not far enough along to be thinking about baby shoes. She just told me her baby is the size of a grape. I couldn't help myself, though, so I made them as unisex as possible. Gray, white, and orange!

I had the most success here. On Diary of a Quilter, Amy just posted the third block and I am ecstatic. My first two have turned out so well! Check them out!

Pretty exciting right? I didn't really know what I was doing but my color palate has worked out really well. I love it when I don't have a plan, yet things still end up coming together (that's how it goes, right?) I can't believe I actually got these done! 

And speaking of expanding my horizons...

I am still making, making, making in preparation for my upcoming craft fair. It is now less than one month away and I'm starting to freak out a little bit! I am really excited to have this new experience, and to be able to share it with my mom and my Nana is pretty cool too.

In addition to key fobs galore, I've got pincushions from mason jars and teacups.

So much fun! I think those little elephants might be my favorite...

So a productive Spring Break, and it's been a productive two weeks of school since. We've got two more weeks before we have another break from each other, so this is probably the toughest stretch for the kids--especially with all that sunshine out there.

In other news, if anyone is interested, I have posted some interesting fabric my mom dug up this past Easter weekend. For me, It just screams "childhood." You can buy a yard of it at my etsy shop.